Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Dr Carroll located?

Dr Carroll has private rooms at Stalbridge Chambers, 443 Little Colllins Street, Melbourne.

How soon can Dr Carroll send a report?

Generally within three weeks of the appointment date. Much faster turnarounds can be arranged on a case-by-case basis.

How much do assessment reports cost?

Prior to finalizing an appointment, Dr Carroll will send a comprehensive Fee Agreement and cost estimate including a maximum ‘capped’ cost.

Can Dr Carroll see me for treatment ?

No. If you are seeking a treating psychiatrist for treatment please see www.yourhealthinmind.org/find-a-psychiatrist

Can I refer myself or a relative to Dr Carroll?

No. All referrals must be made by a legal practitioner or a statutory agency.

Does Dr Carroll do Legal Aid work?

Yes, he has some available appointments for certain kinds of Legal Aid work.

Does Dr Carroll do pro bono work ?

Yes, he has some limited capacity for certain kinds of pro bono work.

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