Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Dr Carroll located?

In the wake of the COVID crisis, Dr Carroll currently does not have permanent rooms. Until further notice he will be booking rooms in the Melbourne CBD as required or conducting assessments via videolink.

Does Dr Carroll see clients via videolink?

Yes – by Zoom (community) or Jabber (prison)

How soon can Dr Carroll send a report?

Generally within two weeks of the appointment date. Much faster turnarounds can be arranged on a case-by-case basis.

How much do assessment reports cost?

Prior to finalizing an appointment, Dr Carroll will send a comprehensive Fee Agreement and cost estimate including a maximum ‘capped’ cost.

Can Dr Carroll assess interstate or overseas clients?

This is possible in some cases, but requires prior discussion. Dr Carroll is generally not able to attend court or see clients in person outside Victoria, except in rare circumstances. He can conduct assessments and provide evidence via videolink on a case-by-case basis.

Does Dr Carroll do Legal Aid work?

Yes, he has some available appointments for certain kinds of Legal Aid work.

Does Dr Carroll carry out treatment work?

Only in his role as a prison psychiatrist; not in the community.
If you are seeking a psychiatrist for treatment please see www.yourhealthinmind.org/find-a-psychiatrist

Can I refer myself or a relative to Dr Carroll?

No. All referrals must be made by a lawyer or a statutory agency (such as DHHS or the OPP).

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